Wednesday, February 6, 2008


O.K. This is my first posting on my blog. I have no idea what I'm doing, but I thought I would try it out. I don't know that anyone will care to read what I post and I'm not sure what I want to share. Life is good, but crazy at the same time. Somehow I find time for genealogy. I will admit I would do it all the time if I could. I know it's crazy! I'm not even a grandma yet, but it is addicting. It is like being a detective. I would love to show anyone who is interested how to get started. I can't spend too much time on my blog, because I want to keep working on my genealogy.


Audra said...

Jess, I'm so glad you have a blog now! Although I totally agree, it can be a waste of time if you get carried away. Anyway I really do want to learn how to do geneaology (I think Ty knows, but I'm not positive). It such a neat thing, and it's got to make you make you feel proud and happy when it finally comes full circle and you get to take the name to the temple.

Lauren Clyde said...

Hey I just started working on my geneaology and I have to agree with you that yes, it is very addicting! I've hit a brick wall with my work so it's also very frustrating!